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Those looking to beat an addiction to a substance such as alcohol or drugs are going to need to make massive changes to their lives. Addiction is an illness of the brain, but it does not happen overnight. It is a progressive illness that gets worse over time, and it is often not until the later stages that the person affected can recognise the signs. For those that do want to get better and overcome their illness, addiction therapy is essential.
Treatment for those with addiction usually starts with a detox. Detoxification from drugs or alcohol can be unpleasant because of the withdrawal symptoms that tend to occur. These range from mild to severe and will vary depending on the substance that was being abused and the length of time the individual had the addiction.
Detox programmes usually precede addiction therapy and, in most cases, are carried out in a supervised facility where the patient will be kept safe and secure at all times. Once detox is complete, rehabilitation can begin, and this tends to involve various treatments that include addiction therapy and counselling.
Once in treatment, either in an inpatient or outpatient programme, the affected person will probably be treated with a variety of therapies. Some are designed to help with the emotional and physical symptoms that occur during recovery while others are used to help recovering addicts learn how to live in the ‘real’ world and deal with things such as family relationships, communicating with others and relapse prevention.
The reason a variety of therapies is used during recovery is that a full programme is required to treat the entire person, not just the addiction. Those who follow a full programme of recovery are more likely to be successful going forward.
Each addiction rehab</a> clinic will have a way of tackling the recovery process, but all will create a plan of care that is tailored to the needs of the individual patient. It is generally accepted by those in the industry, and us here at as well, that there is not one single treatment that will work for everyone. Each person is affected differently by addiction and will, therefore, respond differently to various treatments and therapies.
Behavioural therapies are designed to help recovering addicts change their addictive behaviour. Those with addiction have been living a certain way for so long that it would be unrealistic to expect them to be able to suddenly change just because they have completed a programme of detox.
Detoxification is just the first step on the journey towards addiction, and it must be followed by a range of therapies designed to help the recovering addict make positive changes for a better life. There are many different types of addiction therapy; below are just a few examples:
Addiction therapy is an essential part of the recovery process, and with the right help and support, it can help those with addiction to overcome their illness and move forward towards a clean and healthy, sober life. If you need any information regarding anything you have read above, please do not hesitate to contact us here at
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0203 553 0324